Pelanggan yang terhormat,

Terima kasih telah memilih PT Hero Supermarket Tbk (HERO Group) sebagai salah satu ritel pilihan anda.

Kami informasikan untuk berhati-hati terhadap penipuan yang mengatasnamakan HERO Group maupun unit bisnis: Hero Supermarket, Guardian, dan IKEA.

Kuis, undian dan promosi resmi yang dilakukan unit bisnis HERO Group dapat dilihat pada masing-masing social media resmi Hero Supermarket, Giant, Guardian, dan IKEA.

Terima kasih dan tetap waspada.

Selamat berbelanja!


D o y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n ?
  • Do you have any question?

P r e s i d e n t D i r e c t o r

Graha HERO, CBD Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7
Blok B7/A7 Pondok Jaya
Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan
15224 - Indonesia

6221 8378 8000
Contact Center

(Selama PSBB, hanya dapat di hub pukul 10.00 s/d 20.00 WIB)


Dear Customer,

At Hero, we always offer you the best possible service. We would love to hear from you to help us provide a better shopping experience.

If you have suggestion or comments relating to your local store, pleas ask for Store Manager, who will be happy to assist you.

Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Care team via Call Center: 0800-1-998877 or simply by completing the form below.

Store Location *
Date of Visit *
Time of Visit *
Mr / Mrs. / Miss *
Address *
Email *
Telephone *
Agree Disagree
1. Are our products fresh ?
a. Fruits and Vegetables
b. Meat e.g: fresh chicken, minced meat, etc.
c. Delicatessen e.g: ham, sausage, etc.
d. Seafood e.g: fish, shrimp, etc.
Please state which product that is not fresh when you are in store
2. Is the handling of our product's hygienic ?
3. Is the team member who served you:
a. Friendly in service
b. Has good product knowledge
c. Show you to the product you look for
d. Suggest alternative for unavailable product
4. Is the variety of our grocery product wide enough ?
Please state any grocery product that you want which is not available
5. Is our cashiers
a. Friendly ?
b. Serving you with smile ?
c. Thanked you ?
Would you like to share your comments including the names of our service team members who made your shopping experience enjoyable?